Health & Wellness,  Inspiration


Yesterday was my 6-year cancerversary.  It may seem strange to celebrate the day you learn you have cancer.  In years past, I’ve barely noticed when the day came and passed.  But it’s different this year…for some reason I was reminded of the upcoming anniversary weeks ago and forced to take note. 

A cancerversary is a very personal choice. Some survivors choose to celebrate the surgery that removed the cancer from their body. Or the end of their treatment. Or the day they were told they were cancer free. Unfortunately, none of those make sense for me; at Stage IV, the cancer has returned several times with multiple surgeries and treatment…the clock starts over each time.

So, I choose to honor my diagnosis day. I don’t really think of it as a celebration, more of a recognition of a very significant day, one that changed my life forever.  

Sitting in that doctor’s office six years ago, weighing only 103 pounds after months of pain that made eating nearly impossible, I was desperate for answers.  While it wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear, my pain now had a name:  squamous cell carcinoma. 

Although we had a diagnosis, there’s no way you can really be prepared for what’s ahead.  The path is uneven and unfamiliar, the mountains climbed in darkness often rugged and perilous.  Had I known that day what would follow in the years to come, I may have doubted I had the strength; it’s best the future is unknown.  

Armed with hope, the love and support of my incredible husband, the prayers of so many, and the amazing medical team who continue to fight for me…I honor the past six years.  I’m grateful that I’m still here to embrace whatever is to come.  Onward.